SDC - Signature Design Communication
SDC stands for Signature Design Communication
Here you will find, what does SDC stand for in Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Signature Design Communication? Signature Design Communication can be abbreviated as SDC What does SDC stand for? SDC stands for Signature Design Communication. What does Signature Design Communication mean?Signature Design Communication is an expansion of SDC
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Alternative definitions of SDC
- System Development Charge
- Silver Dollar City
- Structural Damage Capacity
- Solutions Development Center
- Selected Device Clear
- Swingers Date Club
- Swingers Date Club
- Systems Development Charge
View 255 other definitions of SDC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SLL Scot Lubricants LLC
- SCA Sirius Company As
- SDM Sniper Data Marketing
- SSCS Success Steps Conferences and Seminars
- SGMP Society of Government Meeting Professionals
- SJS Sakura Japanese Steakhouse
- SPML Saturn Portfolio Management Limited
- SIG Sovereign Insurance Group
- STCL Seychelles Trading Company Ltd.
- SML Swish Maintenance Ltd.
- SC Swag to College
- SCN Stevens Creek Nissan
- SSS Swift Smart Solutions
- SMI Set Media Inc.
- SPD Somerset Police Department
- SRC Steps Recovery Center
- SACONH Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History
- SPS Staines Preparatory School
- SCS Signature Cleaning Services
- SSCG Saman Satellite Communications Group